Saturday, October 15, 2016

First, to those of you that have added to my Patreon this month, let me say how utterly grateful I am to you.  I cannot express in words what your actions mean to me, and what they say about my work.  I promise, this is all only the beginning!  For those that do not know about my phases, I will explain them in my next post, but you are all in for, I think, a lot of entertainment over the next few years!

Phantom has finished being polished and proofread.  One proofreader did say that the religious/satanic symbols and rape bothered them, but, this is why I post warnings.  It is much shorter than Slugs and Bugs, and it has a lot more sex in it.  I am sure some will enjoy it, and I am certain that some will not.  Every concoction that I conjure will have those that like or dislike qualities, but I write what I fantasize, and so, it is what it is.

I have great news for those of you that are more into the technology mind-control.  The three introductions to Cereborg:Inception have been finished.  I simply need to have a couple of minions proofread it, and, though I had anticipated waiting until Thanksgiving, I may release it early.  So, starting next week, I shall begin wondering into the Of Sex and Souls story.  Tera, Queen of the Succubi, might enjoy that particular read.


  1. Well, I don't want a lot of people to have it, but, I tell you what, I'll email it to you sometime this week. I am putting the music and sound effects in right now.

    1. I cannot find your email, Nan. Can you message me or email me here on Google?
