Sunday, November 13, 2016

Some of my favorite childhood mind control movies and monsters!

Greetings, my friends.  I spent the weekend taking a break from writing and watching some of the old movies from when I was a child.  I would stay up late on Friday night, and see them on  USA Saturday Nightmares, Elvira's Movie Macabre, and as I got older, on Sunday afternoon, I would watch Commander USA's Groovie Movies. So many years have passed since then, but I admit to you all, that even when I was very, very young, I recall the mind control in Kolchak the Nightstalker, and so forth.  I remember that even though I was such a small child, I had this attraction, though I did not yet know what sexual was, towards darkness and mind control.

Here is a list of some of the B-Movies that The Anax enjoyed when he was but a tiny shadow of his current form:

It Conquered the World (1956)

The Thing That Couldn't Die (1958)

Jack the Giant Killer (1962)

Shivers (1975)

Possession (1981)

Legend (1985)

Fright Night (1985)

Lifeforce (1985)

Breeders (1986)

Of course, this is far from all the movies I have enjoyed over the years, but this gives one the idea of what I imagined as a child.  I always related to the monsters, the villains, and loved to watch the control and corruption of the ladies.  I will begin work on Desideratum sometime this week!  I'll post again at the end of the month...


  1. In all my life i only have seen three films of these nine (Legends, Fright Night and Lifeforce), but i am not sure because i was a child of only 6 years or quite more when i saw that.

  2. Hey Anaximanes!
    Great fan of yours. So you haven't always been the master of our dark dreams and desires?
    I can safely say that most of us early felt the same attraction toward the dark, the corruptive, the sexual...
    I really enjoy your work. I have played Phantom and Slugs and Bugs and the introduction of Cereborg with the one of Sex and Souls next on my list.
    One small thing I didn't like in Cereborg was the woman "Madeline" we meet when we play the male character (Howard). I think she doesn't look as good or natural as the other ladies you've gotten us used to in your games.
    All the rest is awesome though ;-)

  3. @ Darth_Xander- if you get a chance, or if these other movies are available on websites, check them out. You may enjoy them!

    @Anonymous- I am glad you liked them. With regards to the Madeline set, I am limited by the pics I can find for free. In other words, until someday when a rich person says, "Hey- I want to make Anax films!" Or something like that, I cannot afford to hire women to do the posing for me. That set has the porn actor that plays Wyatt, and he was dressed in his uniform. It saved hours of work, using those, and besides, why wouldn't a silicon valley exec be full of... silicon? Mwa ha ha ha...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I remember now that i saw more of these films than i thought in the first time, seeing "shivers", and (i think) possession.

  6. Replies
    1. Oh, I missed your post. No, I have not hard of it. I'll look into it!
